Dr. Tom Frieden Unveils COVID-19 Truths, Dispelling Myths.

Med Article




Published: November 11, 2023

Discover the latest insights from Dr. Tom Frieden, a leading voice in public health, as he addresses the ongoing presence of COVID-19 and confronts prevailing misconceptions. Stay ahead of the curve with accurate information to safeguard yourself and your community.

What Dr. Frieden Reveals:

What Dr. Frieden Reveals:

Dr. Tom Frieden, the former director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 2009 to 2017, overseeing responses to epidemics such as H1N1 influenza, Ebola, and Zika, currently serves as the President and CEO of Resolve to Save Lives and is a Senior Fellow for Global Health at the Council on Foreign Relations.

COVID-19 remains a persistent threat, firmly entrenched in the landscape of health hazards. While the virus continues to inflict harm and claim lives, the collective impact of immunity, vaccines, and treatments has successfully subdued the once-raging pandemic.

In the ongoing battle against COVID-19, the specter of Long Covid looms large, affecting numerous individuals. Analogously, the pandemic has left behind a lasting and potentially life-threatening aftermath in the form of increased polarization and a pervasive sense of distrust within society. It’s imperative that we navigate these lingering effects with resilience and a commitment to building a healthier future.

  1. Persistent Threat Alert: Dr. Frieden underscores the ongoing threat of COVID-19, emphasizing the need for continued awareness and adherence to safety protocols.
  2. Myth-Busting Expertise: Uncover the truth behind common misconceptions as Dr. Frieden navigates through prevalent myths. Arm yourself with knowledge to make informed decisions.
  3. Community Resilience: Dr. Frieden’s insights empower communities to combat misinformation collectively. Strengthen your understanding to contribute to a safer, well-informed society.

Why You Should Share:

The emergence of the Covid-causing virus in late 2019 marked the beginning of an ongoing learning process. Each passing day brings new insights into the virus and our immune responses, contributing to an evolving understanding. As we adapt to this dynamic situation, it’s important to acknowledge that mistakes were made, and guidance had to be continually adjusted based on our expanding knowledge. Despite these challenges, decisive public health actions have played a pivotal role in saving millions of lives.

However, amidst this evolving narrative, three common misconceptions have taken root, contributing to increased polarization. While each misconception may have a kernel of truth, it’s crucial to recognize the broader reality that dispels these notions. As we confront these misunderstandings, it becomes clear that a nuanced and informed perspective is essential for navigating the complexities of the ongoing pandemic.

In the ever-evolving landscape of the pandemic, reliable information is key. By sharing Dr. Frieden’s revelations, you not only contribute to dispelling myths but also play a role in fostering a community that prioritizes accurate information.

Stay Connected: Join the conversation on our website and social media platforms. Stay connected, stay informed. Together, let’s combat COVID-19 misconceptions and build a healthier future. 💙

Are vaccines proven to save lives?

Are vaccines proven to save lives?

Yes, vaccines have been proven to save lives. Vaccines are designed to stimulate the immune system to recognize and fight specific pathogens, such as viruses or bacteria. They have been instrumental in preventing and controlling a wide range of infectious diseases, leading to significant reductions in illness, disability, and death.

Numerous studies and extensive scientific research have consistently demonstrated the effectiveness of vaccines in preventing and mitigating the impact of various diseases. Vaccines have played a crucial role in the eradication or significant reduction of deadly diseases such as smallpox and polio.

In the context of COVID-19, vaccines have been shown to be highly effective in preventing severe illness, hospitalization, and death associated with the virus. They have been a critical tool in managing and controlling the spread of the disease during the global pandemic.

Covid vaccines have likely saved a minimum of 500,000 lives in the US and potentially double that number globally. Despite the ease with which we often take vaccines for granted, the development of safe and effective Covid vaccines was uncertain. Unlike diseases such as HIV, which lacks a vaccine, the rapid development of Covid vaccines is owed in part to decades-long advancements in mRNA technology, exemplified by the groundbreaking work of Nobel Prize winners Drs. Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman.

As the coronavirus evolves, requiring updated vaccines to counter new variants and maintain effectiveness, the significance of vaccination cannot be overstated. Although Covid infections, especially among younger individuals, are often mild, studies consistently show the immense benefits of vaccination. Vaccination significantly reduces the risk of death, with a 75% decrease overall and over 90% in the months immediately following vaccination.

While the elderly are more susceptible to severe Covid, vaccination benefits all age groups. The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), renowned globally for transparent decision-making, recommends vaccination for various age groups based on the best available evidence. Contrary to skepticism, vaccinating only those over 65 would result in 200,000 more hospitalizations and 15,000 more deaths over two years compared to vaccinating everyone, according to recent ACIP data.

Despite vaccine skepticism fueled by industry-related statements, the importance of vaccination recommendations being solely guided by individuals and groups with no financial interest in the outcome cannot be overstressed. In the quest for public health, vaccine manufacturers should focus on producing safe and effective vaccines, leaving the recommendations to unbiased entities.

Do masks work?

Yes, masks have been shown to be effective in reducing the transmission of respiratory viruses, including the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Masks primarily serve as a barrier, preventing respiratory droplets containing the virus from entering the air and reaching others. They also provide some level of protection for the wearer. Here are key points regarding the effectiveness of masks:

  1. Source Control: Masks are particularly effective at preventing individuals infected with a virus, including those who may be asymptomatic or presymptomatic, from spreading respiratory droplets into the air. This is crucial in controlling the spread of infectious diseases.
  2. Protection for the Wearer: While the primary purpose of masks is source control, they also offer some degree of protection to the wearer. Masks can filter out larger respiratory droplets, providing a form of self-protection.
  3. Community-wide Impact: The use of masks becomes more effective when it is widely adopted in communities. If a large percentage of the population wears masks, it can contribute significantly to reducing the overall transmission of the virus.
  4. Complementary Measure: Masks are most effective when used in conjunction with other preventive measures, such as physical distancing, hand hygiene, and vaccination.

It’s important to note that not all masks are created equal, and the type of mask used, proper fit, and adherence to guidelines on usage are critical factors in their effectiveness. Public health authorities, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), provide guidance on the use of masks based on the latest scientific evidence and the evolving understanding of COVID-19.


While there’s much within the realms of science and medicine that remains unknown, ongoing research promises a deepened understanding in the months and years to come. However, certain facts are already established with a high level of confidence: over 1 million Americans lost their lives to Covid, Covid vaccines are proven life-savers, and the use of masks diminishes the risk of infection.

Given the gravity of these facts, transparent communication regarding our current knowledge, its timeline, and the methodologies involved is paramount. Such clarity can play a pivotal role in rebuilding trust not only in healthcare and public health systems but also within society at large. Trust stands as a critical component in identifying, addressing, and preventing health threats effectively.


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