Best Way for Sustainable Weight Loss

Med Article




Published: January 7, 2024

Losing weight through various methods can be exhausting, especially when dedicated exercise fails to yield the desired results.

Today, as a medical agency thai, we address the prevalent issue of ‘weight loss‘ that concerns many individuals. We explore the means to achieve weight loss sustainably, preventing a return to the initial point.

Sustainable weight loss relies on two essential factors: adopting a proper diet and engaging in sufficient exercise. The primary impact on weight stems from dietary choices, with exercise acting as a supportive element, enhancing overall effectiveness. By consistently incorporating these two elements into our lives, there is no need to seek additional shortcut formulas.

The most sustainable way to lose weight

Sustainable Weight Loss

Sustainable weight loss, achieved through a sustainable diet for weight loss, involves proper eating habits that incorporate all five essential nutrient groups—carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Maintaining the correct proportion of nutrients is crucial to provide the necessary energy for our bodies. On average, a balanced diet for the average person comprises 50% carbohydrates, 30% fat, and 15-20% protein.

Applying this nutritional balance aligns with the weight loss principle of ‘using more energy than what you consume each day.’ Choosing foods with the right proportions in every way during meals can significantly contribute to effective weight loss.

Furthermore, the timing of meals impacts weight loss. Avoiding heavy meals at night is advisable, as it can disrupt the body’s rest during sleep. Skipping dinner may lead to gastritis, while consuming food late at night increases the risk of acid reflux. While there’s no one-size-fits-all formula, it is generally recommended to have three complete meals for optimal results.

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Weight loss is achievable through various means, and understanding how much exercise is enough plays a crucial role. One popular and effective form is aerobic exercise, or cardio, which aids in burning excess nutrients, especially accumulated fat in various body parts. The recommended duration is at least 150 minutes per week, with the option to increase to around 300 minutes per week for more targeted weight loss.

Guidelines from the American College of Sports and Medicine (ACSM) emphasize a safe and efficient weight loss rate of approximately half a kilogram per week. This entails burning more energy than consumed, typically at least 500-1,000 calories daily, with regular engagement in various exercises at least three times a week.

Sustainable weight loss begins with personalized approaches to both meal planning and exercise. The key is ‘discipline,’ regardless of the chosen plan, fostering the journey towards achieving goals effectively. The ultimate reward is not just weight loss but also enhanced self-esteem, a sustainable shape, and overall good health.

Average weight loss within 1 month

Sustainable Weight Loss

Achieving a sustainable and healthy weight loss is a common goal for many individuals. The average weight loss within 1 month varies depending on various factors, including individual metabolism, dietary habits, and physical activity levels and a generally recommended and realistic weight loss goal is 0.5 to 1 kilogram per week, which can translate to an average weight loss within 1 month of approximately 2 to 4 kilograms. However, it’s essential to approach weight loss holistically by combining a balanced diet, regular exercise, and lifestyle modifications.

Setting realistic expectations and focusing on long-term, sustainable changes are key to successful weight loss. Consultation with healthcare professionals or nutritionists can provide personalized guidance based on individual needs and health conditions.

Remember, while short-term weight loss goals are important, the ultimate aim is to establish habits that promote overall well-being and contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Is it possible to sustain weight loss in the long run?

Sustainable Weight Loss

The key to maintaining weight loss is finding a plan that fits your lifestyle, is realistic, and is sustainable over the long term.

Diets that strictly limit your food intake or restrict your eating plan to only certain foods can be challenging to follow over time. They can also impact your nutritional status and overall health.

Long-term success with continued weight loss also depends on factors such as:

  • Your personal and family health history and genetics
  • Stress and emotional factors
  • Behaviors related to food consumption
  • Activity habits such as exercise
  • Environmental pressures and food availability
  • Economic and social factors

Good foods help you achieve sustainable weight loss

Sustainable Weight Loss

Eating refined carbohydrates, including sugar and starch less, is one way to lose weight quickly. Consuming whole grains reduces hunger and caloric intake, making you feel full, and your appetite disappears. When you consume fewer carbohydrates, your body begins to use more stored fat for energy. Studies have shown that consuming fewer carbohydrates is an effective way to lose weight. However, the effects of long-term low-carbohydrate diet consumption are not fully known.

Vegetables are low in calories but high in nutrients and fiber. Eating more green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, or cruciferous vegetables like kale, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and lettuce, is helpful in maintaining a healthy weight. Vegetables such as corn, potatoes, and sweet potatoes contain complex carbohydrates; if you are trying to lose weight, you may want to consume them in moderation.

Eating healthy fats from fatty fish, nuts, or avocados, or using olive oil in cooking is beneficial. You should reduce your intake of saturated fats, such as butter fat or coconut oil.

Finally, don’t forget to pay attention to your sleep. It is an important factor in determining whether body weight will decrease or increase, influencing obesity, abnormal metabolism, and other health problems. Studies have shown that people who don’t get enough sleep may experience fluctuations in their biological clock, leading to feelings of fatigue and reduced energy for daily activities. Sleep-deprived individuals often resort to consuming high-calorie foods for energy. Additionally, sleeping late is linked to binge eating.

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