The Process of Dissecting pancreatitis surgery 

Med Article




Published: October 24, 2023

The Purpose of Surgery for Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis surgery is not a mere medical procedure; it’s a transformative intervention that brings relief to those plagued by various pancreatic ailments. The primary reasons for undergoing this surgery are:

  • Inflammatory Conditions: Including both acute and chronic pancreatitis, which cause considerable pain.
  • Injury: The pancreas can sometimes be impacted by traumatic injuries that necessitate surgical intervention.
  • Tumors: Conditions like adenocarcinoma, cystadenoma, cystadenocarcinoma, papillary cystic neoplasms, lymphoma, and acinar cell carcinoma require targeted surgical attention.
  • Hypoglycemia: Particularly severe hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia stemming from insulinoma, a tumor that overproduces insulin.

How to Dissect Primary Pancreatitis

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to pancreatic surgery. With patient-centric care in mind, doctors select the most suitable surgical technique:

  • Total Pancreatectomy: This involves removing the entire pancreas.
  • Distal Pancreatectomy: Here, the body and tail of the pancreas are excised, preserving the pancreas’s head. Typically, the spleen is also removed.
  • Distal Pancreatectomy with Splenic Preservation: Similar to the above, but the spleen remains intact. It’s primarily employed for benign lumps or tumors.
  • Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple Procedure): This complex surgery targets the pancreas’s head, the upper part of the small intestine, bile duct, and gallbladder. It’s especially useful for tumors located at the pancreas’s head or nearby regions.


For those considering pancreatitis surgery in Thailand, particularly foreigners:

  • Medication: If you’re on blood thinners or anticoagulants, discuss with your doctor about potential adjustments.
  • Duration of Stay: It’s advisable for foreign patients to stay in Thailand for 2-3 weeks, if not throughout the treatment period.
  • Travel Post-Procedure: Always consult your doctor before finalizing any travel plans. Fortunately, air travel post-surgery is typically unrestricted.
  • Day of Examination: Expect a thorough physical examination, surgical wound care, and essential documentation, including a ‘Fit to Fly’ certificate if necessary.


The decision to undergo pancreatitis surgery is monumental. Success hinges on several factors, including pre and post-operative behaviors and overall physical health. If overlooked, the repercussions can impede daily life significantly. However, Thailand, with its renowned medical facilities and the unparalleled services of TJ Medical Hub, promises a holistic, patient-centric experience that prioritizes health and well-being. Opting for this medical journey in Thailand is not just a choice; it’s a step towards a brighter, healthier future.

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