Buttocks Augmentation in Thailand for Medical Tourism

Med Article




Published: November 5, 2023

Medical tourism in Thailand is a rapidly growing trend, attracting thousands of international travelers seeking high-quality medical treatments at affordable prices. One of the popular cosmetic procedures that foreigners opt for in Thailand is buttocks augmentation. With the perfect blend of top-tier medical facilities and picturesque vacation destinations, Thailand has become the go-to place for those desiring a fuller and shapelier derriere. In this article, we will explore the allure of buttocks augmentation in Thailand, the associated medical tourism costs, and how TJ Medical Hub can make your medical journey both convenient and rewarding.

What is Buttocks Augmentation Surgery?

What is Buttocks Augmentation Surgery?

Are you interested in achieving rounder, more voluminous buttocks? Do you feel self-conscious about a smaller, flatter rear end?

Buttock implants, though soft, are notably more durable than breast implants, constructed from leak-proof elastomers. They are inserted into each buttock via a single 2-3 inch incision near the tailbone for a natural appearance. You have the choice between sub-muscular (intra-muscular) or sub-fascial placement. Buttocks augmentation surgery, also known as gluteal augmentation, is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the size and shape of the buttocks. This surgery can be done through different methods, including:

  1. Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL): Involves liposuction to remove excess fat from one area of the body (e.g., abdomen, thighs) and then transferring that fat to the buttocks to create a fuller and more contoured appearance.
  2. Buttocks Implants: Involves surgically placing silicone implants into the buttocks to increase their size and improve their shape.

The goal of buttocks augmentation surgery is to achieve a more attractive and proportionate look for the buttocks, helping patients achieve their desired aesthetic goals. This procedure is often sought after by individuals who want a curvier and more defined rear end. It is essential to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine the best approach for achieving your desired results.

Buttocks Augmentation: Discussing Your Aesthetic Goals

During your consultation, you and your cosmetic surgeon will discuss the enhancements you wish to achieve in your appearance. As this is a highly personal decision, it’s crucial to take the time to address all your concerns and objectives, including the desired size and shape of your buttocks.

There are various sizes and shapes of buttock implants to choose from, and their selection depends on individual preferences and overall body structure. Together, you will determine the implant size that aligns with your desired outcome. Your surgeon will provide information on different options, such as incision type, implant placement, implant type, and the potential need for a butt lift.

Don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have about the surgical procedure. Being well-informed about your choices, potential risks, and benefits is essential for making an educated decision.

Buttocks Augmentation: Post-Surgery Care

Following the procedure, you will be required to wear a compression garment to provide necessary support. This garment should not be removed for approximately 2-4 days after the surgery.

The surgical process involves stretching the tissues, which can result in significant discomfort, especially when the implants are positioned beneath or below the muscle. The most intense pain is typically experienced within the first 48 hours but gradually improves with each passing day and can be managed with pain medication. Despite the initial soreness, most individuals express high satisfaction with the surgery’s outcomes. Plan to spend the initial 24 hours post-surgery resting in bed.

Buttocks Augmentation: Managing Your Recovery

Recovering from buttocks augmentation can be more challenging than other popular cosmetic procedures, as the buttocks are integral for activities like walking and sitting. This may result in increased discomfort and a longer healing period. During the initial 5-7 days, you’ll likely experience more pain, but prescribed pain medications will help. After this period, moving, walking, and sitting become progressively more comfortable.

Fortunately, buttock augmentation typically leads to minimal swelling and bruising, allowing you to appreciate the results soon after surgery.

1. Rest is crucial during the recovery phase, so rest as much as possible post-procedure. Stay hydrated and follow your doctor’s prescribed medication regimen. You may be able to return to light, sedentary work within a few days to weeks post-surgery. However, strenuous physical activity should be avoided for several weeks, depending on your doctor’s guidance.

2. Stitches are usually removed within a week to ten days, while any remaining swelling will gradually subside over the following weeks. As the swelling diminishes, the results will become more apparent.

3. Resuming regular exercise and physical activities is typically possible within one to two months once the pain has subsided. Keep in mind that recovery times vary from patient to patient and depend on factors such as surgical technique, implant type, placement site, and the intensity of your daily activities.

Buttocks Augmentation: What to Anticipate?

Buttocks Augmentation: What to Anticipate?

During buttocks augmentation, the surgical process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Incision Placement: An incision is carefully placed in one of the following areas: where the buttock meets the back of the thigh or within the crease of the buttock. While the incision is generally made in the buttock crease to keep scars inconspicuous, it’s worth noting that this area carries a potential risk of infection.
  2. Creating a Pocket: The surgeon proceeds to create a suitable pocket in which the buttock implants will be positioned. The implants can be placed either under the gluteus maximus muscle or above it. In some cases, liposuction may be performed to further enhance the buttock’s shape.
  3. Symmetry and Natural Appearance: After repeating the same procedure on the other buttock, the surgeon carefully ensures that both buttocks are symmetrical and appear naturally enhanced. The incisions are then sutured.

The duration of the entire operation generally spans around 2 to 3 hours. However, the exact time can vary based on factors such as the chosen technique, implant placement, the patient’s unique anatomy, and the type of anesthesia employed.

Tips for a Smooth Recovery:

Follow Post-Operative Instructions: Adhere strictly to your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions, including wound care, medication, and activity restrictions.

  1. Manage Pain and Discomfort: Be prepared for some discomfort and swelling post-surgery. Pain medications prescribed by your surgeon will help ease this during the initial recovery phase.
  2. Support Garments: Expect to wear a compression garment after surgery to aid in healing and provide support. It is important to follow your surgeon’s recommendations regarding its use.
  3. Rest and Hydration: Prioritize rest and stay well-hydrated during your recovery. This will aid in a smoother healing process.
  4. Monitor for Infection: Keep an eye on the incision sites for any signs of infection, and promptly report any concerns to your surgeon.
  5. Gradual Return to Activities: While you may be able to engage in light, sedentary activities soon after surgery, refrain from vigorous physical exertion until your surgeon gives the green light.
  6. Swelling and Bruising: Expect some swelling and bruising initially, which should gradually subside over the following weeks. Patience is key.

Understanding the surgical process and preparing for the recovery phase can help you have a more comfortable and successful buttocks augmentation experience.

Why Choose Buttocks Augmentation in Thailand?

World-Class Healthcare Facilities: Thailand is renowned for its state-of-the-art medical infrastructure and internationally accredited hospitals. The country boasts an impressive number of board-certified plastic surgeons with extensive experience in performing buttocks augmentation procedures. These surgeons are equipped with the latest technology and provide a wide range of buttocks enhancement options, including Brazilian butt lifts and buttocks implants.

Highly Skilled and Experienced Surgeons: The medical professionals in Thailand are well-trained and experienced, and many have completed their training in Western countries. Their expertise in buttocks augmentation procedures ensures patients receive safe and effective treatments. By choosing Thailand, you can have peace of mind knowing that your procedure is in capable hands.

Affordable Costs: One of the main draws of medical tourism in Thailand is the cost-effectiveness of treatments. Buttocks augmentation procedures in Thailand are often a fraction of the price compared to many Western countries. You can achieve your aesthetic goals without breaking the bank, and the savings can even cover your travel expenses.

Exotic Tourist Destinations: Thailand’s picturesque landscapes, beautiful beaches, and rich cultural heritage make it an ideal destination for combining medical treatment with a vacation. After your procedure, you can explore the country’s stunning islands, visit historic temples, or relax on sandy beaches, turning your medical trip into a memorable holiday experience.

Medical Tourism Costs in Thailand

Foreigners coming to Thailand for medical treatments can save a substantial amount of money compared to receiving the same services in their home countries. The cost of buttocks augmentation in Thailand varies based on the procedure type and the specific clinic or hospital. On average, you can expect to pay significantly less for buttocks augmentation in Thailand, which includes the surgeon’s fees, hospital charges, and post-operative care.

However, it’s essential to consider the overall cost, including travel expenses, accommodation, and post-surgery recovery, when planning your medical journey. While these costs may vary depending on your location and preferences, they are generally reasonable and can still amount to substantial savings when compared to getting the procedure done in other countries.


Buttocks augmentation in Thailand has become a sought-after option for those who wish to enhance their curves while enjoying a memorable vacation. With world-class healthcare facilities, experienced surgeons, and affordable costs, Thailand offers a winning combination for medical tourists. By choosing TJ Medical Hub, you can take advantage of their personalized services and ensure a seamless experience, allowing you to focus on your recovery and enjoy the beautiful country.

If you’re considering buttocks augmentation in Thailand and want to explore the possibilities of medical tourism in this vibrant nation, visit TJ Medical Hub’s website for more information and begin your journey toward a more beautiful you. Embrace the allure of medical tourism in Thailand, where you can have it all: quality healthcare, a dream holiday, and substantial savings.


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