What is BMR? Calculating Energy Tools

Med Article




Published: January 3, 2024

Exercising to lose weight requires understanding not only your standard weight but also your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which is equally crucial. Even if we can calculate the right weight, not knowing how much energy our body must burn can hinder effective weight loss. Today, let’s explore BMR and its significance in weight loss.

Check out our article about ‘What is BMR?‘ and learn how to calculate it.

What is BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)?

What is BMR

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the body’s basic metabolic rate per day while at rest. Simply put, it is the minimum number of calories the body needs when lying still all day. This includes energy for breathing, circulation, transport, digestion, absorption of food, and cellular processes throughout an average day.

BMR values vary among individuals, influenced by factors such as daily exercise, gender, age, health conditions, regular medication use, metabolism, and the gut microbiome. All these factors directly impact our metabolic rate and body weight.

The Important of BMR Calculate

For those wondering about the importance of BMR, it might seem to only calculate the energy the body uses at rest, but it plays a crucial role in our health. BMR indicates our minimum energy expenditure, providing valuable information for those aiming to lose or gain weight significantly.

Calculating BMR allows us to derive other values essential for managing body fat and total daily energy usage. This includes the Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE), applicable to weight loss through calorie counting or muscle mass increase.

Calculate BMR Tools

Does diet impact metabolism? Typically, proper weight loss reduces daily calorie intake. Consequently, controlling food and limiting consumption may decrease metabolism due to reduced energy intake. This isn’t ideal as it may lead to muscle loss. However, combining a balanced diet with sufficient protein can help preserve muscle mass during weight loss, leading to an improved metabolic system.

Now, let’s delve into calculating ‘BMR,’ the body’s metabolic rate. The calculation involves considering factors like gender, age, weight, height, and daily routine. It can be computed using the Harris-Benedict formula (body weight = kilograms/height = centimeters).

As an example of finding BMR, let’s consider a man with a body weight of 75 kilograms, height of 185 centimeters, and age of 23 years. BMR can be calculated as follows:

BMR=66+(13.7×body weight)+(5×height)–(6.8×age)

Calculate BMR for MenBMR=66+(13.7×body weight)+(5×height)–(6.8×age)
Calculate BMR for WomenBMR=665+(9.6×body weight)+(1.8×height)–(4.7×age)

In conclusion, while at rest, our body needs a minimum of 2,174.9 kilocalories of energy per day. This represents the baseline requirement without considering other daily activities.

How do you calculate your daily energy needs?

What is BMR

To determine the daily energy needs for your body, you must calculate the BMR and then convert it to the Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) value. This value includes the energy required for regular daily activities. With the correct energy value, you can plan your daily caloric intake for weight loss.

Consider an example using the calculated BMR value. Suppose this man engages in moderate exercise, indicating a basic level of intensity in his daily routine. According to the TDEE formula, his daily energy needs are approximately 3,371 kilocalories. Adjustments can be made based on specific goals, such as gaining weight by increasing caloric intake or reducing exercise intensity, and vice versa for weight loss. However, a combination of dietary control and increased exercise intensity is often recommended.

Building muscle and reducing fat can be achieved through a medical approach. It is not an extreme weight loss regimen but a method to increase muscle mass, promoting efficient fat burning and reducing excess fat. Liposuction is recommended for targeted fat reduction, as excess fat adversely affects metabolism. While liposuction does not alter lifestyle habits, it encourages dietary control post-surgery to prevent fat re-accumulation.

Build Muscle, Reduce Fat with Professional Guidance

What is BMR

Many may wonder if this method is truly effective. Allow me to clarify—it’s not an extreme weight loss regimen but a medical approach to build muscle, burn excess fat, and improve metabolism and For targeted fat reduction, liposuction is recommended. Excessive fat impedes proper metabolism, hindering its effectiveness. Liposuction helps eliminate excess fat, providing a sense of lightness and comfort.

Although liposuction doesn’t alter lifestyle habits, it aids in controlling overeating and fosters post-surgery dietary discipline to prevent fat re-accumulation. It serves as a strong motivation for positive change, ensuring individuals maintain a beautiful figure post-surgery.

Boosting the resting metabolic rate (BMR) is a viable strategy for weight loss. While considering various values in the calculation, it helps determine the additional calories needed. This understanding facilitates the creation of a personalized daily diet and exercise plan, catering to those aiming for weight change or maintaining a stable weight.


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